creativehub has launched the Ultimate Solo Show, a competition that's completely free to enter and aims to discover the very best unexhibited artwork.
Images courtesy of Creative Hub
The web application, developed by theprintspace, has launched its biggest competition of the year and you have until 28 October to participate with the chance to win your first ever solo art exhibition at theprintspace's London gallery.
The only requirement to get involved is that your entry needs to be digitally printable, so the contest is open to all art genres.
If you win, you'll get theprintspace Gallery's prime Christmas exhibition slot; a framed show with a production value up to £3,000; professional curation advice available for the exhibition install; an opening night private view; £1,000 print credit towards a new portfolio or future exhibition and a custom online print store to drive print sales from your show.
creativehub is looking for exciting, original and unexhibited work that forms a single coherent series. Submissions should be between eight and 20 images and be accompanied by a short project description.
Artists are encouraged to submit what they feel is their most accomplished portfolio which will be judged by Niall Flynn of Huck Magazine, Kate Edwards of The Guardian and Tom Robinson from Handsome Frank.
Once the open call has closed on 28 October, a shortlist of 10 artists will be chosen by creativehub's panel of judges, each receiving their own bespoke online art store built by Shopify design experts, Piki Kiwi.
The public will then decide the winner via print purchase; the store that sells the most wins the competition, ultimately allowing their fellow peers and the artistic community to decide the artist who comes in at first place.
Sound good? You can enter creativehub's Ultimate Solo Show and submit your work via Good luck!
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