Pink Power! Feminist art from the streets of Russia

This month saw the opening of Inside Pussy Riot at London's Saatchi Gallery, an immersive piece exploring the women behind one of the most powerful, provocative pieces of art-as-protest in recent years. And so it feels like a good time to explore feminist art from Russia; namely the work of Vanifatieva Yulia aka Hulya. She describes her Pink Power project as a "tough and aggressive emotional project" that subverts the girly connotations of pink and perceptions of the hue as "naive and sentimental."

According to the artist, her aim is to stand against the "culture of gloss" and the "fanatical cult of plastic beauty" by drawing on the inherent "aggression" of the streets.

"In my works I use magazines instead of canvases, cosmetics instead of paint, money instead of paper, sketches in the style of fashion illustrations," she says. "I don’t want to dwell on one technique, I want to experiment with surfaces and styles, I want to work with different materials. And I want to be recognized by the color and the overall concept."


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