Quebec illustrator Sébastien Thibault is someone who loves to play with symbols, shapes and colours to produce clever, conceptual artworks that beautifully illustrate some of the world's biggest social, political and cultural stories of the day.
The Guardian - Scotland's land reform
Based in Matane, Gaspésie, he has been repeatedly hired by leading publications such as Time magazine, The New Yorks Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Le Monde, The Wall Street Journal and The Boston Globe – covering topics ranging from the rise of social media and our loss of privacy to Europe's refugee crisis and the Syrian War.
As you browse through his bold and abstract images – you might notice a microphone smartly placed close to Donald Trump's rear end, or perhaps a piggybank that doubles as a petrol pump handle. Each and every illustration is both somber and witty, thought-provoking yet amusing.
Represented internationally by Anna Goodson Illustration Agency, you can discover more of his work at Or follow Sébastien on Behance.
Main image credit: The Guardian - Scotland's Land Reform
The Guardian - Progressive
The Guardian - Collateral damage of bombing and war
Wirtschafts Woche - Big Data
The Invader
Neue Zürcher Zeitung - Low oil prices
New York Times - Let Refugees Fly To Europe
Report on Business - social network platforms
The Guardian - Terror Backlash
New York Times - Iranians Dare to Hope
Precedent Magazine - Mysogyny
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