Aerial photographs that show our love and obsession of water

Aerial photographer Jason Hawkes has spent the last 25 years hanging out of the side of helicopters over Britain and the world, shooting the amazing views he finds.

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

"I tend to work over cities more than anything nowadays, but love shooting more abstract work, particularly filling the frame with a single block of colour and including people to give the work a sense of scale," Jason tells Creative Boom.

In his latest series, he focuses on the subject of water – something that happens to be a favourite of the London-based photographer. And a favourite, really, for all of us. He adds: "I’m always amazed by the different colours of water in pools, lakes and the sea, and so put together this portfolio of some of my favourite images."

Jason shoots from single days for architectural visualisation companies to organising multi-shoot ads for large ad agencies, annual reports, and even whole image libraries for branding agencies, working all over the world.

His clients include brands such as Apple, Virgin Atlantic, Amazon, Rolex and Microsoft, and he has produced over 50 aerial photographic books to date. Discover more of Jason's work at

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes

© Jason Hawkes


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