Under Covers: A stop motion animated film by Michaela Olsen that considers the secret lives of others

"On the night of a lunar eclipse, we uncover the sweet, salacious, and spooky secrets of a small town," reads the introduction to a charming new stop motion animation by Michaela Olsen.

For Under Covers, the creative director and partner at Brooklyn studio, Mighty Oak, considers what might go on behind closed doors. "From a pigtailed psychopath to naughty nuns and everything in between, this film conjures a comforting thought: that weird is relative," adds the film's description.

We start with a cute moon face smiling at a small town below. The frame then switches to an aerial view of a house and zooms in on a bedroom, revealing the people who are sleeping there. You see little glimpses of their lives – the decor, pictures on the wall, various ornaments – and then the bed covers pull back to reveal everything from the sweet and adorable to the brilliantly weird and bizarre.

"By peeking inside, we see that secrets are universal, whether they’re sexy, sweet, harmless, or straight-up murderous," Michaela tells Vimeo. "The idea first came to life as a small pop-up book called 'Sleepcrets', which I made when I was a student.

"I like taking mediums that are thought of as being for children – like pop-up books and animation – and making them for adults. There are endless possibilities in these illustrative forms of storytelling, and the fact that they are pigeonholed as 'for kids only' makes no sense. Adults should be able to experience play and exploration too."


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