Mario Sughi's new series of digital paintings show women enjoying art at galleries

In his latest series of digital paintings, Italian artist Mario Sughi – aka nerosunero – paints brightly coloured female characters enjoying a wander around an art gallery. Entitled The Neue Pinakothek, we see women observing paintings or perhaps taking a moment to rest on a nearby bench.

Contemporary and light in its feel, the series continues Mario's love of detail, focusing in on clothing and accessories just like some of his previous work.

Mario, who lives and works in Dublin, admits he's always enjoyed observing other people: "I like to take walks in town or by the seaside, capturing people unawares with my camera and then taking inspiration from my photographs to create my paintings. A place to go, a place to rest, weekends and lying on the grass – these have formed the basis of some of my recent works."


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