Artist crafts colourful weapon sculptures out of tens of thousands of Post-it notes

When it comes to having plenty of time and patience, Italian artist Marco Ercoli has both in abundance. He has taken tens of thousands of colourful Post-it notes and crafted them into a series of weapon sculptures, including everything from a detailed gun and hand grenade to a beautiful samurai sword. The paper sculpture series, entitled Army, aims to use gentle colours to create a feeling of peace opposed to the actual function of the reproduced objects.

A graduate of the A.Caravillani Arts high school, Ercoli was born in Rome, where he currently lives and works. In 2010 he moved to the central Apennines to live a deliberate isolated existence, which inspired some of his latest artworks. During this time, he created a series of paintings celebrating nature in all its glory. Entitled The Revertar, it's constructed on seven obligatory passages: Sleep, Dream, Omega Alpha, Consciousness, Acceptance, Abandonment, Symbiosis. You can see this work and discover much more at

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